Solutions for energy saving

According to the technical evaluations carried out by our engineering, the magnitude of the dispersions can arrive, in case of particularly important or geometrically complex shapes, up to a maximum of 25% of the machine energy consumption, therefore eliminating said dissipations will result in a significant reduction of the costs of management of the plant combined with a considerable reduction of the environmental impact of the production line, and in particular of the greenhouse gases.

What are the greatest energy dispersions in painting systems?

From our birth to today we have created countless painting systems and each of them has different technical, productive and dimensional characteristics, but there is a need that unites all our users; have a system that offers maximum energy savings.

In powder coating systems with a continuous feed conveyor, the greatest energy losses are due to the inevitable escape of hot air from the oven ports, due to the "breaking" of the air film, designed to contain the heat from the pieces in transit in the inlet and outlet ports.

This passage, on a continuous system takes place precisely, in an uninterrupted manner, therefore the thermal losses will inevitably be huge and unfortunately, they are intrinsically linked to the production volume of the plant; paradoxically, a painting line is more productive, the greater the dispersion will be.

Solutions for energy saving

The THERMAL LOSS REDUCTION® system, a company patent of the CMV

All these considerations have therefore encouraged us to invest considerable resources in the search for a simple and innovative solution and, to date, with pride, we can present our "Thermal Loss Reduction" containment system, which totally eliminates the aforementioned thermal dispersions and today, protected by international patent N.WO/2008/12064 - DEVICE FOR THE THERMAL LOSS REDUCTION ®

risparmio energetico thermal loss reduction

This revolutionary system allows, through the help of mobile subdivision systems, managed by a particular reading system for high thermal conditions, a total closure of the inlet and outlet openings of the ovens, with clear economic and environmental advantages that surrounds us.

  1. The system is made up of two moving retracting bulkheads, an optical system that reads parts and obviously the relative movement system.

  2. The first interposing partition interposes between two racks or pieces, the minimum space required and equal to 200 mm., And accompanies the same along a special pre-chamber positioned at the entrance and at the exit of the oven.

  3. when said bulkhead has reached the end of the pre-chamber, then the piece is prepared to enter the polymerization chamber, it is lowered until it is positioned under the bed.

  4. in the meantime a second bulkhead positioned at the beginning of the pre-chamber completes the same cycle while the first bulkhead moves to the starting position

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Who is the THERMAL LOSS REDUCTION® system?

The Thermal Loss Reduction® containment system is adaptable to all the continuous painting lines and recommended to all companies that need to reduce the costs of managing their systems, offering, together with this considerable advantage, an important contribution to our environment


The advantagesI vantaggi

  • reduction of energy consumption up to a maximum of 25%;
  • improvement of the increase in curing time in temperature and the consequent possibility of increasing the production speed within its own factory;
  • reduction of polluted emissions from the production line;
  • a significant improvement in working conditions within their own factory;
  • elimination of possible pollution inside the oven due to the elimination of the "dusting of the veils of air" and the "gelling that occurs in the special pre-chamber".


Contact us for a preliminary consulting

CMV offers preliminary advice to direct and suggest its customers in the choice to reduce the energy consumption of the painting system that best meets their needs, evaluating the best solutions according to industrial logistics, flows, the type of production and flexibility, with the aim of providing an ad hoc system with "turnkey solution".