Water-based liquid coating systems

Water-based liquid coating systems

Coating systems with water-based paints do not differ overly from the coating systems using solvents. The main difference mainly concerns the liquid flow process but, above all, it should be noted that with the use of water-based coatings, the environmental impact is very low because it does not occur, if not marginally, the emission of VOCS in coating and drying phase.

For the above reason more and more companies choose the installation of such systems or, alternatively, adapt to this technology their current systems.

CMV designs and builds water-based paintig systems with the following characteristics:

handling systems

Paint booths


Drying ovens

  • static ovens;
  • with air curtains;
  • bell-shaped;
  • drying rooms.

Control and command panels

Control and command panels with touch screen plc and related software designed for the specific needs of our customers.

Per approfondire l'argomento consulta la sezione sistemi di automazione industriale 4.0.

soluzioni controllo remoto


To whom it is addressed

Water-based paint systems are currently used in all those applications where painting with liquid paint is required but where very high gloss levels of the product are not required, as well as in all those applications where the quantities of paint product impede the use of paints with SOV due to emissions into the atmosphere with too high an environmental impact.

The sectors of greatest use are furniture manufacturers such as kitchens, living rooms, furnishing accessories, etc.

The advantages

The advantages of painting with water-based paints are the low environmental impact and the possibility of using liquid paints even with very high quantities of paint product, which, in compliance with Dgls 152 part V, would not be allowed with the use of solvent-based paints.


Contact us for a preliminary consulting

CMV offre una consulenza preliminare per indirizzare e suggerire i propri Clienti nella scelta dell’impianto di verniciatura industriali che meglio risponda alle loro esigenze, valutando le migliori soluzioni in funzione alla logistica industriale, dei flussi, della tipologia di produzione e della flessibilità, con l’obbiettivo di fornire un impianto ad hoc con "soluzione chiavi in mano".